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Eva leaning over the counter in a sexy pose EVA Sooo… What exactly do we do here? Panel 2 Chiitsu looks like he’s thinking hard. CHIITSU Well, I usually just kinda hang around and wait for customers to wander in. We have a few regulars who like to pop in every now and then. Panel 3 Eva hopping up on the counter. Panel 4 She leans backwards looking at chii face to face EVA Boo!! That sounds as boring as an old MMO server update. CHIITSU I don’t need to be judged by some weird robot girl. Why don’t you go take out the trash or something? Panel 5 Upside down panel of eva smiling devilishly EVA I don’t think you’ll fit in a trash bad, big guy. CHIITSU Shut up. EVA teehee!

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